Sunday, July 27, 2008

Ramallah and Punisher !!!

Punisher War Zone - Trailer in HD

Ramallah and Frank Castle ripping heads off !!

This is the trailer that was shown at the San Diego Comic Con 08... R Rated version. This movie seems that it will be a big improvement in the series and will be taking the violence and revenge to the proper level. Too many of the prior movies have been sugar coated, and this one appears to be a step in the right direction.

The song in this video is from Ramallah, the AMAZING Boston hardcore band with Rob Lindt from Blood for Blood, Sinners and Saints. Unfortunetlly Ramallah is broken up, however "Kill a Celebrity" is still living on as one of the most important records of the last decade, with its hard hitting sound and lyrics like as follows:

Just take a look at the papers, and your leaders:
they're killers and they're liars.
See what they do in your name to make the bodies pile higher.
The murders and the terror, they've done it forever
as we sit back and smile at the script that they sell us.

Check out a video from that album here:

"The Horror and the Gag" - Ramallah - Kill a Celebrity

and than download the album here:

Ramallah - Kill a Celebrity - Mediafire

and read the lyrics here:

Ramallah Lyrics

PLEASE read the lyrics, this album has ALOT to say. If only 1% of hardcore and metal said this much than maybe we would see a difference in our society/scene.


1 comment:

nessadrew said...

I love you! I was under the assumption that somebody just took the trailer and put Ramallah on top of it. I LOVE RAMALLAH. *googly eyes*