Monday, June 22, 2009

Title Fight

Title Fight is a killer melodic-punk band from Kingston, Pennsylvania. Their debut 7” is named for their hometown; a place that sits directly across the Susquehanna River from Wilkes-Barre and only about 2 hours from New Brunswick, NJ. So it isn’t (at least to me) surprising that Title Fight the three songs on the 7” fall squarely into the post-Lifetime vein of melodic punk that we all love so much. You know, fast pop-punk parts mixed with breakdowns? OK, think of the first two Saves The Day records but with a tad more grit. It is a fast and furious blast of guitars, bass, and drums that clocks in at a shade under 7 minutes 30 seconds and begs you to keep flipping the record over and over and over; it’s that good. - Source

Artist: Title Fight
Album: Kingston
Release: 2007


1. Memorial Field
2. Loud And Clear
3. Youreyeah

Spawning from the Wilkes Barre, PA hardcore scene in 2003, Title Fight have made waves in the past few years with their unique blend of 90’s post hardcore and east coast pop punk. Although comparison have been made in the past to Can’t Slow Down era Saves the Day, with just one listen to “The Last Thing You Forget” it is evident that things have changed since 2007’s “Kingston.” Citing such influences such as Texas is the Reason, Jawbreaker, Seaweed, and Hot Water Music, “The Last Thing You Forget” is three emotional blasts of contentious post-hardcore, summarizing the trials and tribulations of growing up alone and confused in a small east coast town. - Run for Cover Records

Artist: Title Fight
Album: Kingston
Release: 2007


1. Symmetry
2. Introvert
3. No One Stays at the Top Forever
4. Memorial Field
5. Loud and Clear
6. Youreyeah
7. Room 200
8. Evander
9. Anaconda Sniper
10. Goldwaite
11. Neck Deep
12. Western Haikus

Bands Myspace:
Bands Website/Blog:

Download Link (both albums):

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